Silabus Training :
Employers are asking that you are excellent, not just in your discipline, but also in general problem solving. What are you doing to train yourself?
This training shows how to become a better strategic thinker, preparing you to plan, whether for policy, management or economic development purposes, and to solve complex, ill-defined, non-immediate problems. You will then apply the concepts covered in the training to your problem, structuring its resolution, and presenting your progress to your company or your superiors for continuous feedback.
Strategic Thinking introduces you to the theory and practice of strategic planning,
a collection of principles and techniques applicable to the management of public and private not-for-profit sectors. Two fundamental issues of the strategic skill are as follows:
- foresight skills, that enable us to predict possible future states, select ones that respond to our needs, and shape them according to goals of our mission; and,
implementation skills, that enable us to seek and achieve consensus on goals, desirable futures and ways of achieving them, among entities that are key to the realization of our visions.
There are three major purposes of this training:
- Facilitating system thinking by integrating problems in their larger contexts.
- Fostering the group’s creativity by approaching problems from different points of view.
- Emulating work in “real” organizations, where one must interact with people with different profiles.
In addition, we emphasize the value of a highly analytical approach, where evidence-based decision making is key.
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Frame the problem. You will learn how to single out the real problem in a given situation, ensuring you aren’t focusing on just a symptom or a less critical problem. You will also learn to identify key stakeholders and decision makers, project parameters, and elements out of scope. Finally, you will learn to summarize this information in a WHAT
- Diagnose the problem. You will learn how to identify the root causes of the problem by building a diagnostic issue map. You will learn how to structure the map, associate hypotheses which each branch, design the analysis to test the hypotheses, identify the data needed to fuel the analysis, gather that data, test the hypotheses, and conclude. You will also learn how to structure your thinking in mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive (MECE) components and rank the comparative insightfulness of competing frameworks.
- Identify solutions. You will learn how to transition from the diagnostic to the active search for a solution by building a solution issue map. You will learn how to structure the solution map — understanding key similarities and differences with diagnostic issue maps—develop hypotheses, design the analysis to test them, and test them. You will also learn about decision making: how to pick the best solution, using decision matrices or other decision-making tools.
- Execute the solution. You will learn how to appreciate the necessity and general applicability of strategic thinking to a variety of contexts, and then to use logic to communicate better.
- Training overview
- Decision making and judgmental processes
- Strategic thinking concepts and approaches
- Strategic thinking steps
- Frame the diagnostic problem
- Develop a diagnostic issue map
- Design a diagnostic analysis
- Conduct a diagnostic analysis
- Prepare a report for diagnostic analysis
- Present your report of diagnostic analysis
- Frame the solution problem
- Develop a solution issue map
- Design a solution analysis
- Conduct the solution analysis
- Present your report for solution analysis
INSTRUCTOR : Ir. Desmon Ginting, M.Tech.
VENUE : Jakarta (Amos Cozy, Amaroossa Residence, Haris Tebet, Gd Muamalat Institute, Setiabudi Building 2, Gd Estubizi Bussiness Center, Ibis Manggadua, Little Amaroossa Residence, Cosmo Amaroossa, Zodiak MT. Haryono, Grand Tjokro)Jakarta (Amos Cozy, Amaroossa Residence, Haris Tebet, Gd Muamalat Institute, Setiabudi Building 2, Gd Estubizi Bussiness Center, Ibis Manggadua, Little Amaroossa Residence, Cosmo Amaroossa, Zodiak MT. Haryono, Grand Tjokro)
- 20 Jan 2020-21 Jan 2020
- 26 Feb 2020-27 Feb 2020
- 23 Mar 2020-24 Mar 2020
- 20 Apr 2020-21 Apr 2020
- 19 Mei 2020-20 Mei 2020
- 24 Jun 2020-25 Jun 2020
- 20 Jul 2020-21 Jul 2020
- 26 Agust 2020-27 Agust 2020
- 21 Sep 2020-22 Sep 2020
- 28 Okt 2020-29 Okt 2020
- 25 Nop 2020-26 Nop 2020
- 23 Des 2020-24 Des 2020
- 4.500.0003.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh) atau
- 4.250.0003.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
- 3.950.0003.500.000/peserta (peserta bergroup yang terdiri dari 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)
- Modul Training
- Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
- Sertifikat
- ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
- T-Shirt
- Ransel
- Foto Training
- Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
- Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
- Instruktur yang Qualified