Training Syllabus:

Negotiation is an ever-present feature of our lives both at home and at work. A business negotiation may be a formal affair that takes place across the proverbial bargaining table, in which you haggle over price and performance or the complex terms of a partnership venture. Alternatively, it may be much less formal, such as a meeting between you and several fellow employees whose collaboration is needed to get a job done. If you are a supervisor, manager, or executive, you probably spend a good part of your day negotiating with people inside or outside your organization – often without even realizing it. Whether you’re closing a sale or getting a subordinate to agree to certain performance goals, you are negotiating. Given the role of negotiations in our personal and professional lives, it’s important to improve our negotiating skills. Even a modest improvement in those skills can yield a sizable payoff, such as a larger pay raise, a better deal on a home purchase or more effective working arrangements in the office. This course can help the trainees improve their skills and make them a more effective negotiators.

1. Give an understanding of the negotiation Key concepts followed by expert negotiators and creative problem solvers.
2. Provide an ability to perform the negotiation practical tips and examples that will help you in your personal life and in your and in your career.
3. Help to improve your negotiating skills and make you a more effective negotiator.

Day 1 :
1. Introduction and course objectives
2. Types of Negotiation (Many Paths to a Deal)
a. Distributive Negotiation
b. Integrative Negotiation
c. Multiple Phase and Multiple Parties
3. Four Key Concepts of Negotiation (Your Starting Points)
a. Know Your BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement)
b. Reservation Price
c. ZOPA (Zone Of Possible Agreement)
d. Value Creation through Trades
4. Preparation (Nine Steps to a Deal)
a. Consider What a God Outcome
b. Identify Potential Value Creation Opportunities
c. Identify Your BATNA and Reservation Price
d. Shore up Your BATNA
e. Anticipate the Authority Issue
f. Learn All You Can About the Other Side’s People and Culture,
Their Goals, and How They’ve Framed the Issue
g. Gather External Standards and Criteria Relevant to fairness
h. Alter the Process in Your Favor
5. Negotiation Tactics (How to Play the Game Well)
a. Getting the Other Side to the Table
b. Making a Good Start
c. Win-Lose Negotiation
d. Integrative Negotiation
e. General Tactics Framing and Continual Evaluation
6. Frequently Asked Tactical Questions (Answer Your Need)
a. FAQs About Price
b. FAQs About Process
c. FAQs About People Problems
7. Games & Simulations

Day 2 :
1. Barriers To Agreement (How to Recognize and Overcome Them)
a. Die-Hard Bargainers
b. Lack of Trust
c. Informational Vacuums and the Negotiator’s Dilemma
d. Structural Impediments
e. Spoilers
f. Differences in Gender and Culture
g. Difficulties in Communication
h. The Power of Dialogue
2. Mental Errors (How to Recognize and Avoid Them)
a. Escalation
b. Partisan Perceptions
c. Irrational Expectations
d. Overconfidence
e. Unchecked Emotions
3. When Relationships Matter (A Different Notion of Winning)
a. Why Relationships Matter
b. How Perceptions of Relationship Value Affect Negotiations
c. Doing It Right
4. Negotiating for Others (Whose Interests Come First)
a. Independent Agents
b. Non-Independent Agents
c. Agency Issues
5. Negotiation Skills (Building Organizational Competence)
a. Continues Improvement
b. Negotiating as an Organizational Capability
c. What Makes an Effective Negotiator ?
6. Games and Simulations
7. Closing of The Course

Course is aimed at all those concerned with the intention to improve their negotiating skills, make them a more effective negotiators, and winning negotiation :
1. Personnel
2. Professionals
3. Employees
4. Supervisors
5. Managers

VENUE : Kagum Group Hotel Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Serela, Gino Feruci), Amaroossa Hotel, Noor Hotel, Grand Setiabudi Hotel, dll



Januari 2025Februari 2025Maret 2025April 2025
2 - 3 Januari 20253 - 4 Februari 20253 - 4 Maret 20257 - 8 April 2025
6 - 7 Januari 202510 - 11 Februari 202510 - 11 Maret 202514 - 15 April 2025
13 - 14 Januari 202517 - 18 Februari 202517 - 18 Maret 202521 - 22 April 2025
20 - 21 Januari 202524 - 25 Februari 2025 28 - 29 April 2025
27 - 28 Januari 2025   
Mei 2025Juni 2025Juli 2025Agustus 2025
2 - 3 Mei 20252 - 3 Juni 20251 - 2 Juli 20251 - 2 Agustus 2025
5 - 6 Mei 20259 - 10 Juni 20257 - 8 Juli 20254 - 5 Agustus 2025
12 - 13 Mei 202516 - 17 Juni 202514 - 15 Juli 202511 - 12 Agustus 2025
19 - 20 Mei 202523 - 24 Juni 202521 - 22 Juli 202518 - 19 Agustus 2025
26 - 27 Mei 2025 28 - 29 Juli 202525 - 26 Agustus 2025
September 2025Oktober 2025November 2025Desember 2025
1 - 2 September 20251 - 2 Oktober 20253 - 4 November 20251 - 2 Desember 2025
8 - 9 September 20256 - 7 Oktober 202510 - 11 November 20258 - 9 Desember 2025
15 - 16 September 202513 - 14 Oktober 202517 - 18 November 202515 - 16 Desember 2025
22 - 23 September 202520 - 21 Oktober 202524 - 25 November 202522 - 23 Desember 2025
29 - 30 September 202527 - 28 Oktober 2025 29 - 30 Desember 2025

1. Rp. 4.950.000/person (full fare) or
2. Rp. 4.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
3. Rp. 4.500.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)

1. Training Module
2. Flash Disk contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. T-Shirt
6. Backpack
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
10. Qualified instructor