Training Syllabus:

The course is structured around a five-phase process that provides a step-by-step framework for learning about and doing project management in the Industry. The course focuses on key technical practices and issues relating to each of the five project management phases as well as on “human dynamics” which are critical success factors in project management, such as cost estimating & budgeting and risk, gaining consensus, problem-solving, meeting and coordinating, dealing with change and team-building.

By attending this course, participants will:
1. Comprehensive in consistent and effective process across the execution of project then improve the result of the entire of project
2. Understand the cost engineering practices to increase your cost engineering accuracy and gain more i-depth knowledge of cost engineering estimation and control terminology
3. Understand and identify the different requirements & methodologies for cost estimating throughout the project life cycle
4. Recognize the effects and implications of risk and the need for effective risk management to develop the realistic cost estimation
5. Understand how progress measurement, performance assessment, forecasting and change management contribute to project success

Cost estimating is one of the fundamental and yet most challenging tasks for Project teams. In the course, you’ll learn straightforward, step–by-step processes for developing accurate, realistic project cost estimates that withstand the security of stakeholders and management and form a baseline for tight financial control. You’ll also learn how to incorporate risk and uncertainty in your project cost estimates with Montecarlo risk simulation, provide range cost estiamates in accordance with AACE International Recommended Practice and manage the cost estimating process throughout the project life cycle.

The Course is designed to be taught interactively with syndicates and personal exercises, facilitation of group discussions, training videos, and discussions of real life examples.

1. Essential Background
a) What is project & their characteristics
b) Project goals and objectives
c) Dynamics of the project life cycle & Phase of system life cycle
d) Building the project organization & WBS
e) Developing project network, cost, schedules and project plan included risk assessment
f) Developing cost measurement & control, and performance criteria to success with EVM
2. Project Cost Estimating & Process
a) Cammon categories of cost
b) Purpose of project cost estimating
c) Cost estimate types & descriptions
d) Cost estimating process
e) Ground rules, assumptions and collect data
f) Selecting estimating methodology
g) Perform & verify the estimate
h) Review & documented the cost estimate
3. Cost Elements and Cost Pools
a) Understanding cost behaviors
b) Direct & Indirect costs
c) Variable & fixed costs
d) Semivariable cots
e) Recurring vs. Nonrecurring costs
f) Realationships among cost behaviors
g) Types of costs included in estimates
4. Introduction to Estimating Methodologies
a) Estimating methodologies
b) Estimating by analogy & Developing complecity factors
c) Parametric cost estimating
d) Quantitative relationships
e) Cataloges, Vendor quotes and Analogy
5. Cost Uncertainty Analysis
a) Introduction Risk Analysis & Montecarlo Simulation
b) A Typical project cost estimate
c) An Alternative: a range of estimates & a cost probability distribution function
d) Cost Uncertainty Analysis
e) Life-cycle cost & commitement, and decision making
f) Time value of money
g) Inflation & Interest adjusments
h) Design to cost
6. Case Study
a) Project cost estimation process
b) Hands on simulation with Monte Carlo Software

• Project Manager
• Project Engineers
• Project Economic
• Project Risk Engineers
• Project Planning & Control Engineers
• Project Cost & Control Engineers
• Cost Estimator
• Project Construction Engineers
• Procurement / SCM
• Legal & Contract Engineers
• Cost Accounting
• Financial Controller & Auditor
• Coorporate & Business Planning
• Person who get benefit for attending this Course

VENUE : Jakarta (Maxone Hotel Menteng, Balairung Hotel Matraman, Sentral Hotel, Haris Tebet, Gd Muamalat Institute, Ibis Manggadua, Little Amaroossa Residence, Cosmo Amaroossa, Zodiak MT. Haryono, Grand Tjokro)

DURATION : 4 days


Januari 2025Februari 2025Maret 2025April 2025
6 - 9 Januari 20253 - 6 Februari 20253 - 6 Maret 20257 - 10 April 2025
13 - 16 Januari 202510 - 13 Februari 202510 - 13 Maret 202514 - 17 April 2025
20 - 23 Januari 202517 - 20 Februari 202517 - 20 Maret 202521 - 24 April 2025
27 - 30 Januari 202524 - 27 Februari 2025 28 Apr - 2 Mei 2025
Mei 2025Juni 2025Juli 2025Agustus 2025
5 - 8 Mei 20252 - 5 Juni 20251 - 4 Juli 20254 - 7 Agustus 2025
12 - 15 Mei 20259 - 12 Juni 20257 - 10 Juli 202511 - 14 Agustus 2025
19 - 22 Mei 202516 - 19 Juni 202514 - 17 Juli 202518 - 21 Agustus 2025
26 - 29 Mei 202523 - 26 Juni 202521 - 24 Juli 202525 - 28 Agustus 2025
  28 - 31 Juli 2025 
September 2025Oktober 2025November 2025Desember 2025
1 - 4 September 20256 - 9 Oktober 20253 - 6 November 20251 - 4 Desember 2025
8 - 11 September 202513 - 16 Oktober 202510 - 13 November 20258 - 11 Desember 2025
15 - 18 September 202520 - 23 Oktober 202517 - 20 November 202515 - 18 Desember 2025
22 - 25 September 202527 - 30 Oktober 202524 - 27 November 202522 - 25 Desember 2025
29 Sep - 2 Okt 2025   

1. Rp. 8.750.000/person (full fare) or
2. Rp. 8.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
3. Rp. 8.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)

1. Training Module
2. Flash Disk contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. T-Shirt
6. Backpack
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
10. Qualified instructor