1. What is Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)?
a. Fundamental change of maintenance philosophy
b. Maintenance and RCM
c. Basic idea of RCM
d. RCM implementation
e. RCM achievement
2. Plant Registration
a. What is Plant Registration?
b. What is equipment?
c. How to number the asset?
d. What kind of information has to be registered?
e. How to compile plant registration?
3. Function and Failure
a. Function and standard performance
b. Malfunction
c. Failure mode
d. Failure effects
e. Failure Consequences
f. Hidden failure consequent
g. Safety and environment consequent
h. Operational consequent
i. Summary
4. Preventive Actions
a. Engineering feasibility
b. Life time dependable failure
c. Scheduled restoration
d. Scheduled replacement
e. Life time undependable failure
f. Scheduled condition monitoring
g. Selection of preventive actions
5. Defaults Actions
a. Scheduled efforts to find failure
b. Non Scheduled maintenance
c. Re-designing
d. Lubrication
e. Zone inspection and walk-around check
6. RCM Decision Diagram
a. Effort and consequent integration
b. RCM decision making process
c. Filling out decision sheet
7. Plan, Organize and Control Proposed Tasks
a. Task grouping
b. Planning system and maintenance control
c. Failure report
d. Various Failure and its History
e. Failure process
f. Six failure patterns
g. Historical data
8. RCM Implementation
a. Who knows?
b. Pre-review RCM group
c. Facilitator and auditor
d. Implementation strategy
e. Short term approach
f. RCM Forever
9. Build skill in RCM
a. What is RCM Achievement?
b. Result of RCM analysis
c. Benefit of RCM
d. Why RCM?
10. RCM History
a. Airline enterprise experience
b. RCM at other industry
11. Case Study